
Hier finden Sie das Archiv aller erstellten Blogpostings des Projektes im Rahmen der Projektlaufzeit.

  • About DATAFIED
    This is the website of the joint project DATAFIED (DATA For and In EDucation), carried out by the Leibniz Institute for Educational Media | Georg Eckert Institut (GEI), the Helmut Schmidt Universität Hamburg (HSU), the Institute for Information Management Bremen (ifib), and the Leibniz Institute for Human Development and Educational Information (DIPF). The project started on 01.12.2018 and was successfully completed on 31.05.2022. In the project, the effects of the advancing digitalization and the accompanying datafication in the school education system were investigated. Datafication here means that data is collected on all processes in the school system that simultaneously influence decision-making and opinion-forming processes of various school stakeholders (such as education policy, school supervision, school boards, teachers or parents). The joint project described these processes of change from four different, interwoven perspectives and analyzed them on the basis of its own empirical studies at four interfaces of the school education system: school supervision and school (subproject 1), school information systems and school management (subproject 2), learning software and teaching (subproject 3) as well as Teachers … Read more
  • Praxiswerkstatt „Schulverwaltungssoftware und ihre Versprechen – Lösungsorientierte Unterstützung für die “gute” Schule?“
    Das Forschungsprojekt DATAFIED nähert sich seinem Abschluss und wir wollten die Gelegenheit ergreifen unseren Praxispartnern etwas zurückzugeben. Im Rahmen eines virtuellen Workshops konnten wir letzte Woche 13 Teilnehmer aus Schulen und Kultusministerien begrüßen, mit denen wir im Rahmen der Datenerhebung gesprochen haben.Das leitende Thema des Treffens war: „Schulverwaltungssoftware und ihre Versprechen – Lösungsorientierte Unterstützung für die “gute” Schule?“ Neben der Vorstellung unserer Forschungsergebnisse gab es viel Raum zur Diskussion und zum Austausch untereinander. Irina Zakharova und Juliane Jarke präsentierten verschiedene Perspektiven auf „gute Schule“ und welche Rolle Schulverwaltungssoftware bei deren Konstitution spielt. Während in der schulinternen Perspektive eine Arbeit mit, durch, gegen und für die digitalen Daten beschrieben werden kann, zeigt die schulexterne Perspektive ein Spannungsfeld zwischen Be- und Entlastung sowie Standardisierung und Eigenverantwortung. In Kleingruppen wurde rege über den Sinn und die Zielsetzung verschiedener Datenerhebungen in Schule diskutiert. Insbesondere die unterschiedliche Detaillierung und Häufigkeit der Erfassung sowie Weiterleitung von Daten durch die Schulen in den verschiedenen Bundesländern, wie bspw. zum Unterrichtsausfall, war für die Teilnehmenden interessant. Das Abwägen notwendiger Arbeit mit Daten wurde mit … Read more
  • Virtual Joint Meeting January 2022
    Last week, the entire DATAFIED project team met again for a joint meeting. Due to the pandemic situation, the meeting had to take place virtually again, but by now we are all well practiced in this. The central topic of the meeting was the work on the joint book publication with which our results will be made accessible to a broad public. The individual chapters, in which mostly two subprojects interweave their results, are taking more and more shape and we are looking forward to be able to report more details on this here soon. In addition to the book, we spent some time discussing various ways to provide feedback to our practice partners. Fortunately, we were able to convince the funding body to extend the project by 6 months, so we still have time to put this into practice.
  • DATAFIED Joint Meeting – First Meeting in Presence
    For the first time since the beginning of the COVID19 pandemic, the entire DATAFIED team was able to meet again in presence thanks to the hygiene concept. This took place on 11.11. and 12.11.2021 in the “Haus der Wissenschaft” (House of Science) in Bremen.Besides the upcoming project extension, the publication of the DATAFIED book was still in the main focus. The chapters of the individual SPs were presented and extensively discussed. Furthermore, other exciting publications inside of the project framework were discussed.The next meeting in January is planned in Frankfurt a.M. currently still in presence.
  • DATAFIED at the EdTech Research Forum 2021
    This year, the EdTech Research Forum 2021 of the BMBF meta project “Digitization in Education” again took place digitally. The goal was to create spaces for exchange and networking across educational sectors. The individual events were made available both in classic Zoom meetings and via a walk-in virtual meeting environment in Gather.Town.The joint research project DATAFIED was represented by Angelina Lange and Tjark Raabe in a virtual poster session. Here the other participants of the forum could discuss, ask questions and learn more about the work of datafication research in the school system first hand.   Alngelina Lange and Tjark Raabe present the project poster for DATAFIED in Gather.Town.
  • DATAFIED at ECER 2021: Program Information
    The DATAFIED project we will be represented with several contributions at the #ECER2021 (European Conference on Educational Research ) between the 6th and the 10th of september. We are looking forward to active exchange and exciting discussions! September 06 2021 Seeing through Data: The normalizing Politics of Datafication and its Impact on Teacher and Student Subjectivities​Sigrid Hartong, Annina Förschler, Vito Dabisch, Jamie Manolev, Alice Bradbury, Sieglinde Jornitz & Anna Sullivan​Session: 23 SES 10 A | 09:00-10:30 | Room: n/a | Chair: Sigrid Hartong​ Learning Platform on the Rise – Itslearning’s Corporate Expansion Strategy and its Ambivalent Effects on Schooling in GermanyVito Dabisch, Annina Förschler & Sigrid Hartong​Session: 23 SES 01 A | 09:00-10:30 | Room: n/a | Chair: Sigrid Hartong September 07 2021 Enacting Accountability in Education and Its Effects on the Teacher Profession 2​ Guri Skedsmo, Silje Kristin Gloppen, N N, Sigrid Hartong & James Spillane​Session: 23 SES 08 B | 16:00-17:30 | Room: n/a | Chair: Guri Skedsmo​ Manifestations of Rising Datafication in German School Supervision and Consultancy: ​Ambivalent Transformations of a Low-Accountability … Read more
  • Working at the DATAFIED-Book
    There was much to do before the DATAFIED-Team could take off into summer break. The production of the joint book is proceeding well, so that we were able to discuss the first chapters in detail at our collaborative meeting. We are already looking forward to discuss exciting insights and critical question from others interested in data and datafication!
  • New publication on educational data dashboards
    Data dashboards do not only visualise facts, they also produce compelling narratives. In a new paper, the two DATAFIED-researchers Felicitas Macgilchrist (SP3) and Juliane Jarke (SP2) trace the stories told by dashboards of AI-powered learning analytics and discuss the implications for educational futures and edtech. With narrative we do not only mean fiction. Narrative refers to a mode of presentation in which a sequence of actions or events unfold over time, involving one or more characters, often involving change. We analysed one of the leading learning management systems which offers adaptive learning tools and predictive analytics for premium clients. The system integrates far more real-time data than early warning systems in education have ever done. We identified 3 stories: In the first, teachers are managers who oversee, design interventions, check the effects of their interventions, improve efficiency and effectiveness. The multiple further roles of teachers are rendered invisible and thus irrelevant to this particular understanding of education. The second story is about risk. In the materials, we see red colours flagging a student in trouble. … Read more
  • DATAFIED at the Nordic Science and Technology Studies Conference 2021
    On May 20 and 21, 2021, the international conference “Nordic Science and Technology Studies Conference” (NOSTS) was held at Copenhagen Business School in a virtual format. Despite the virtual format, the organizers managed to create a warm, friendly atmosphere at the conference and plenty of space for exchange and discussion. The DATAFIED project and ifib were represented at the conference by a presentation of Dr. Juliane Jarke and Irina Zakharova entitled “Educational technologies as matters of care”. We discussed the roles of educational technologies in schools from the perspective of feminist ethics of care. Our focus was on understanding what role educational technologies and data have in practices of caregiving in schools. By caregiving, building on the approaches of Joan Tronto (1993, 2013, 2016) and Maria Puig de la Bellacasa (2011, 2017), we mean practices and activities that are oriented toward shaping and sustaining the world so that it is as good for life as possible. Using our research from the DATAFIED project, technologies and data can take on the role of addressees of caregiving … Read more
  • Data Journey Workshop
    On April 23, the DATAFIED project team met with Jo Bates and Itzelle Medina Perea from the University of Sheffield to discuss Data Journeys together. During the workshop, we exchanged ideas on how Data Journeys can be used as a concept and tool in research on datafication. Possibilities for the creation, as well as the presentation of Data Journeys were discussed. However, the use for further analysis was also thematically addressed. Based on the presentation of the previous work of Jo Bates and Itzelle Perea in the areas of climate and health as well as the first interim results of the DATAFIED project in the area of education, it was discussed, for example, how a good starting point for a data journey can be found. We are happy about the lively exchange and plan to use Data Journeys both for the analysis of the data flows investigated in DATAFIED and for the visualization of results. Literature: Bates, J., Goodale, P., Lin, Y., & Andrews, P. (2019). Assembling an infrastructure for historic climate data recovery: Data … Read more
  • DATAFIED inspires research in communication science
    Two subprojects of the DATAFIED team presented insights at the international three-country conference DACH21, which took place from April 7th to April 9th 2021 on the topic „#Kommunikation #(R)Evolution. Zum Wandel der Kommunikation in der digitalen Gesellschaft“ (#Communication #(R)Evolution. On the Transformation of communication in digital society) held at the University of Zurich. In the methods panel, Jasmin Troeger, Annekatrin Bock and Felicitas Macgilchrist (SP3) presented the walkthrough method with the paper „Der walkthrough – ein methodischer Zugang für kommunikationswissenschaftliche App (User) Studies“ (The walkthrough – a methodological approach for communication science app (user) studies). Following this, Irina Zakharova (SP2) and Annekatrin Bock spoke on the topic of “Researching (in)visible data”. In the method paper, Troeger, Bock, and Macgilchrist used browser-based learning software to illustrate how the walkthrough approach can be used to capture individual aspects of software such as core functions, individual system components, and interaction scenarios, thus enabling the analysis of their interrelationships and the formulation of insights into the data model and software architecture. Finally, possible implications for questions in communication science … Read more
  • DATAFIED: Completion of the survey phase
    For the multi-year research project DATAFIED, another important milestone was reached: The ifib subproject, which deals with the changes in school administration through datafication and focuses specifically on school administration systems, was able to conduct the last scheduled qualitative interviews in April. During the long and extensive survey phase, numerous interviews could be conducted with various stakeholders in schools and public authorities in several federal states. Despite the corona-related break last year, the remaining interviews could be conducted as digital video interviews without major problems. This even had the advantage of being able to respond more flexibly to interview partners, since there was no need to travel to and from the interviews, so that even short-term appointments could be made. Now, after the interviews have been anonymized and processed, they must be analyzed and the findings published. This will probably take place in a large project publication, but also in further conference contributions and specialist publications.
  • DATAFIED at the New Materialist Informatics 2021
    From March 23-25, 2021, the international conference “New Materialist Informatics” took place virtually at the University of Kassel. Despite the virtual format, the organizers created different spaces for formal and informal exchange for the participants. For example, in addition to the usual video conference rooms, an entire digital venue with a reception, several conference rooms, a library and many other spaces was created via the platform. This allowed all participants to enjoy spontaneous exchanges and have productive discussions with each other across great distances and different continents. From SP2 of the DATAFIED project, Dr. Juliane Jarke and Irina Zakharova participated in the conference. Their contribution, entitled “Educational technologies as matters of care”, highlighted the role of educational technologies in schools from the perspective of feminist ethics of care. Such ethics already have a longer tradition in educational research. However, educational technologies, data, and other non-human actors are rarely problematized. The contribution of Irina Zakharova and Dr. Juliane Jarke was intended to fill this gap. The discussion following the presentation showed that non-human actors should … Read more
  • DATFIED Workshop: „Shifting data practices – Building data literacy“
    What does it take to make data literacy more widespread among teachers? This question was addressed by the DATAFIED team in its workshop “Shifting data practices – Building data literacy” at the conference “Building Data Literacy with the Teaching Profession at Global Scale”. The conference was organized by Sam Sellar (Manchester Metropolitan University) and Sigrid Hartong (Helmut-Schmidt University Hamburg). With the guests, we discussed initial findings on the decline of pedagogical instruction and the advance of data-driven instructional design. We explored the question to what extent teachers need support in selecting software for their lessons and what role data literacy building can play for this. The presentation slides of the workshop can be accessed here.
  • DATAFIED at the Educational Research Conference 2021
    Next week from 09-10.03.2021 the virtual BMBF Educational Research Conference 2021 will take place under the motto “Educational Worlds of the Future”. The DATAFIED project will be there.In Forum 3.1. “Challenges and Perspectives of Teacher Education in a Digitally Shaped World”, there will be an exchange about aspirations and reality in all three phases of teacher education regarding the professionalization of teachers in a digitally shaped world. Exemplary formats for cooperation between teacher education and research will be presented and discussed. Our contribution by Felicitas Macgilchrist on “Datafication and (Critical) Data Literacy” can be found here: The project is also represented in the virtual marketplace. Feel free to drop by – we look forward to seeing you! Tue, 03/09 11:45-13:15am and 16:30-17:30pm.Wed, 10.03. 12:15-12:45h and 15:00-14:30h Further information can be found here:Datafied Poster (german)
  • Collaborative Meeting in February 2021 all about the Joint Book
    The DATAFIED book is now taking shape. We were happy to use our first collaborative meeting this year to hammer out the book structure and metanarrative. Tracing data practices in and around schools, our collaborative publication unfolds themes around the datafication of school and makes the findings of the four subprojects available to anyone interested in data. As soon as further details are available, we will inform you here.
  • DATAFIED – First Results presented at two Research Colloquia
    In November 2020 and February 2021, Dr. Juliane Jarke and Irina Zakharova presented the first results from TP2 of the DATAFIED research project. They reflected first at the Colloquium Social Research of the University of Lucerne and then at the Research Colloquium of the Center for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI) on the methodological approaches to researching data flows in educational organizations. At the heart of these methodological reflections is the further development of the approach of “data journeys” – data journeys already used in the sociology of science and the natural sciences (Bates et al., 2016; Leonelli 2014, 2020). For example, data journeys are used to track the movement of climate data from a meteorological sensor to global financial market institutions (Bates et al., 2016). The DATAFIED research team is examining the data that moves within schools and between schools and departments of education. The focus is on school management systems. In doing so, the concept of a data journey presents how data changes along the way, how paths of data open and close … Read more
  • DTAFIED: Virtual Joint Meeting – What’s next in 2021?
    We are slowly developing a routine in the virtual execution of our joint meeting. Unfortunately, due to corona, we were again unable to meet in person. Nonetheless the mood was still good. On Wednesday, 11.11.2020, we first met to discuss the current status of the four subprojects. Additionally each subproject had brought something to the discussion. From a basic text on “Changes in School Management and Supervision” to “Methods of Walktrough for the Analysis of learning Software” and the examination of individual transcript extracts from classroom observations, everything was included. Once again, the interdisciplinary nature of the project team proved to be a strength: the different professional perspectives gave rise to exciting discussions and further bi- and trilateral meetings were arranged for further in-depth study. The second day of the joint meeting on Thursday, 12.11.2020, was dedicated to the question “What is the future of DATAFIED in 2021?”. In particular the numerous school closures and the still tense situation in the schools pose great problems for our data collection. Together, various strategies were discussed and … Read more
  • Digital Education in the US and Germany: Promises and Challenges
    On October 21st, Andreas Breiter as head of the DATAFIED project took part in an international panel discussion on the future of digital education. It was organized by the German Embassy in Washington, the German Consulate General in San Francisco and the German Center for Research and Innovation and Innovation (DWIH) New York. He discussed current developments in both countries as well as chances and risks with four other experts: Barbara Holzapfel (VP Microsoft Education), Maureen McLaughlin (Senior Advisor to the Secretary and Director of International Affairs, U.S. Department of Education) Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel (CEO and Scientific Director, Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering (HPI)). His main statement was a déja-vu. 20 years ago, he collected data for his PhD research project in U.S. states (CA, MA, IL) and districts as well as in schools. This was compared to the German school system. The first result was the different speed of ICT and media integration in classroom practices and school management, as well as in educational policies (Breiter 2000). The “connector” between school development, district decisions and state policy … Read more
  • DATAFIED at the Congress of the German Sociological Association
    Yesterday (22.09.2020) Juliane Jarke from SP2 and Vtio Dabisch (SP1) jointly presented first results of the two subprojects at this year’s congress of the German Sociological Association. Her presentation was the first of four papers presented by an ad hoc group on the digitization of education. Vito Dabisch’s presentation focused on the increasing production and usage of data for school management by school supervision. He noted that there is an increasing expansion and compression of data and data practices. In this context, the simultaneous data criticism and data orientation of the interviewed actors was striking: School councils are partly (very) skeptical about how helpful data-based control is, but on the other hand more and more data is used in institutionalized discussions. Schools are encouraged to “see” themselves through “their” data and to work with this data.Juliane Jarke’s presentation concentrated on how school as an organization is changing through digitization and datafication and how this change can be researched.She presented various research artifacts from TP2 that allow to analyze data flows and show how schools (re)position … Read more
  • DATAFIED. First DataSession for a joint evaluation
    Data session! This sounds like “Jam session” and to a certain extent it is. Together we look at our research data, interpret and consider whether a (dys)harmonic “picture” emerges. In mid-September, the four DATAFIED subprojects met for a joint data evaluation and discussed possible evaluation intersections with regard to the interview excerpts collected in the research field. The data session is the prelude to a series of reconstructive to qualitatively interpretive evaluation sessions, which will result in a book by the end of next year, where we will present the DATAFIED results for public discussion. Picture from: <a href=””>Business vector created by katemangostar –</a>
  • DATAFIED represented on the 4S / EASST 2020 Convention in “virPrague”
    From August 18 to 21, the joint conference of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology and the international Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) took place. Due to the Corona Pandemic, the conference was moved from the Czech capital Prague to “virPrague” and was held digitally. Whether the “vir” stands for “virus” or “virtual” was left open by the organizers. Despite the restrictions due to the pandemic, the organizers quickly created a digital infrastructure combining the classical lectures with the possibilities of digital communication and giving the participants a feeling of community. The theme of the conference – “Locating and Timing Matters: Significance and agency of STS in emerigng worlds” – focused on the situated nature of the actions of different human and more-than-human actors in the datafied world. In numerous panel discussions, the impact of the corona pandemic on social practices and the role of data, algorithms and information systems in this process were also critically discussed. As part of TP2 at ifib, Irina Zakharova and Juliane Jarke presented … Read more
  • Sixth joint meeting of DATAFIED – again in digital form
    A return to normality is not yet foreseeable in times of the COVID-19 pandemic, and so the second joint meeting this year was again realized virtually via the conference platform Zoom instead of a meeting in Hamburg. It took place from June 29th to July 1st and was characterized by a good and target-oriented exchange between the participating scientists.On the first day, previous results were summarised and the first results of analyses and ideas for publications were shared via video conference. The good exchange produced further ideas for synergies between the subprojects, which are now being pursued further. On the second day various possibilities for the distribution of results were discussed. In addition to the scientific community, the practical partners should also learn what DATAFIED has found out. It is a special concern of ours to “give something back”. In the second part of the second day the participants concentrated on the consequences of the corona crisis on the DATAFIED project. In all four federal states investigated, schools were closed for several weeks, making it … Read more
  • Speculative Fiction as a method of investigation: Prof. Dr. Felicitas Macgilchrist presents paper at the University of Utrecht
    What will school look like in 2040? Which socio-technical assemblages will be shaped? How will learners be addressed as subjects? Prof. Dr. Felicitas Macgilchrist poses these questions in her paper “Students and society in the 2020s. Three future ‘histories‘ of education and technology“, which she wrote together with Heidrun Allert and Anne Bruch and which she reported on in the seminar “Transmissions in Motion” at the University of Utrecht. In their “Social Science Fiction” paper the authors formulate three different versions of the future.   In the first, learners become so-called “smooth users” who optimize themselves in the pursuit of frictionless efficiency within a post-democratic framework created by large corporations. Because the 2020s had to respond to digitisation and its challenges, education was “smoothed” by technological support, entrepreneurs and tech companies became government advisors, decisions were made behind closed doors, and schools became dependent on companies. Educational software was designed to be particularly user-friendly, smooth and groundbreaking, making students less independent, especially in non-cognitive learning dimensions, and their self-optimization became the key process.   The second vision … Read more
  • Conclusion on the Online Ring Lecture “BILDUNGSDIALOG.DIGITAL: Inside Bildungsforschung”
    As already announced, the presentation of the DATAFIED project took place on 05.05.2020 in the context of the online lecture series “BILDUNGSDIALOG.DIGITAL: Inside Bildungsforschung”. On behalf of the scientists involved in the joint project, Prof. Dr. Andreas Breiter reported on the background, the current status and the objectives of the project. A total of 20 participants received detailed insights into the multifaceted research work during the half-hour presentation.  The presentation was followed by a lively discussion. The focus was on questions concerning the change in the digitization of schools – especially against the background of the current COVID-19 pandemic. 
  • Fifth joint meeting of DATAFIED as videoconference
    The global spread of COVID-19 and the related regulatory measures pose great challenges for researchers in science. But even in times of contact blocks and home offices, it is important to counteract the standstill of scientific work. For this reason, the fifth joint meeting of the DATAFIED project took place on 27 and 28 April as an online event. On two exciting days, many content and organisational issues were addressed and discussed during the first quarterly meeting in 2020. On the first day, the individual sub-projects presented their previous findings via video conference, which served as a basis for informative and fruitful discussions. In addition, further synergies and sub-project overlapping topics were identified, which will further intensify the work between the individual research groups and offer exciting cooperation opportunities. But also the handling of the challenges arising from the rampant corona epidemic and the resulting changes in the school education sector were discussed. Schools in all German states are currently affected by closures and the corona crisis requires a responsible approach to the situation. All … Read more
  • DATAFIED in Online Lecture Series “BILDUNGSDIALOG.DIGITAL: Inside Bildungsforschung”
    Even in times of crisis, scientific exchange does not stand still. In the context of the online lecture series “BILDUNGSDIALOG.DIGITAL: Inside Bildungsforschung”, which will be held weekly from 28th April 2020, various funded projects will be presented to discuss current issues in the context of education and digitisation.  The sessions, which take place on a total of 12 dates, consist of 15 to 30 minutes of input from a project with a subsequent discussion with the participants.  Besides many interesting projects, the DATAFIED project will also be part of this valuable exchange. Represented by Prof. Dr. Andreas Breiter the joint project will be presented on 05th May 2020. We cordially invite you to participate in the lecture including the subsequent discussion.   Access to the lecture series can be found here:  Dates: Weekly from 28th April 2020 Time: 15:00 – 16:00 Place:
  • Data in Discourse Analysis Conference: DATAFIED-Project
    Very enjoyable discussions on data, software, discourse, power and knowledge were had at the Data in Discourse Analysis conference at the TU Darmstadt on Wednesday 18 February. Drawing partly on analysis with Juliane Jarke on predictive analytics within the DATAFIED project, Felicitas Macgilchrist reflected on how discourse studies’ „object of analysis“ is changing as education is increasingly datafied.  She observes changes to the discourse “about” education, the discourse “in” education, and alerts us to the need to analyse the discourse “encoded into” education. Here’s the updated abstract for the paper: Datafication, the increased transformation of information about education into digitally manipulable data, is a process occurring in educational practice and in (critical) discourse analytical research on education. In part one of this paper, I explore three ways in which ‘digital data’ have changed the way educational discourse studies perceives its object of analysis. First, ‘data about education’ flow abundantly. Schools are producing more numeric data about their students than ever before. Critical discourse studies have analysed, e.g., PISA, ICILS and other international assessments, the media reports about these assessments, … Read more
  • Methodology Workshop on Software Studies
    On Thursday, 30 January 2020, a methodology workshop on software studies took place at the premises of the Institute for Information Management Bremen (ifib). Participants were representatives of all participating subprojects as well as Mathias Decuypere, who is an assistant professor at the KU Leuven and researches and teaches in the field of educational science methodology. The workshop was opened with a presentation of Decuypere’s work on the topic “How to investigate the new normal? In search of inventive methods for inquiring the datafication of education”. The workshop was followed by a fruitful exchange of ideas between the participants. Various approaches from Decuypere’s presentation were taken up and further developed. Many valuable references to interesting literature sources and other projects were exchanged. In the course of this, the influence of the order of the methods used on the results was discussed, among other things. After a short break, Jasmin Troeger and Irina Zakharova presented the current status of the methods used in subprojects 2 and 3, as well as considerations for further work. A lively … Read more
  • Fourth joint meeting of DATAFIED in Frankfurt
    Vom 11. bis 12.Dezember fand das vierte Verbundtreffen des vom BMBF geförderten Projekts DATAFIED statt – dieses Mal in den beindruckenden, neuen Räumlichkeiten des Leibniz-Instituts für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation (DIPF) in Frankfurt. Im Mittelpunkt des Treffens stand die Vorstellung und die Diskussion der ersten Ergebnisse aus den einzelnen Teilprojekten. Hierbei konnten beispielsweise erste Eindrücke aus den Interviews wiedergegeben werden.  Auch wurden die einzelnen Projektteilnehmer über die Quintessenz von Dokumentenanalysen informiert. Als interdisziplinäres Projekt birgt DATAFIED viel Potential und schafft Raum für einen regen Austausch, wie z.B. der Verwendung und Definition von Begrifflichkeiten sowie den Einsatz von Methoden. Auch über Möglichkeiten der Verzahnung der Teilprojektergebnisse wurde intensiv gesprochen und erste Ideen stehen im Raum. Über die inhaltlichen Themen hinaus gab es einige organisatorische Aspekte zu planen. Hierzu gehörten u.a. die Herausforderungen im Rahmen der Akquise von Schulen und anderen Interviewpartnern.   Nach dem ersten Jahr befindet sich das Projekt durch viele verzögerte, jedoch notwendige Vorbereitungsschritte, hinter dem Planungsstand. Dennoch gestaltet sich die Zukunft des Projekts für das kommende Jahr mit der intensiven Feldarbeit sehr optimistisch, da … Read more
  • PhD-Workshop
    From November 26 to 28, 2019, the doctoral students* of the DATAFIED project met in tranquil Braunschweig for methodological training in a workshop. On the first day the focus was on the art of reading and writing strategies. Guided by Dr. Sven Arnold, the participants gained valuable insights into the subject matter, so that the skills they had acquired so far could be reflected and optimized in this area. The second day was devoted to text analysis. In this context, the theoretical approach of the so-called Rich-Point-Analysis was presented, which we were able to apply practically afterwards. As a research group, the participants analyzed class observations under the guidance of Barbara Christophe. The workshop ended in the evening of the 2nd day. All participants found it interesting and helpful to receive further and more detailed information on the topic of reading and writing strategies and rich point analysis.    
  • Interactive map for the manufacturers of digital learning software
    As part of subproject 3: “Digital learning software and teaching”, an interactive map was created showing the locations of the manufacturers of learning software.  The map can be used in a variety of ways because it has many useful filters and can therefore be used optimally and efficiently for further research purposes. The manufacturers of digital learning software are classified according to location flags in different colours: Level 0: Non-customizable software Level 1: Learning Management (LMS) Level 2: Data Driven Learning with Teacher Decision Level 3: Data Driven Learning without Teacher Decision Level 4: Adaptive Learning Level 5: Intelligent Tutor Level 6: Intelligent Game-Based Learning Environments Level 7: Cognitive (Deep Learning) System You can find the interactive map here.
  • DATAFIED-Session at the “DATA POWER: global in/securities”
    On September 12 and 13, 2019 the international “DATA POWER: global in/securities” conference took place at the University of Bremen.  On the second conference day the DATAFIED project had the opportunity to hold the session “DATAFIED: DATA For and in Education – The construction of school in a datafied society” within the framework of a dialogue café. After a few introductory words by Annekatrin Bock on the general setting of the event and the thematic project DATAFIED, the participants embarked on a journey through a total of four stations. Even though the group was small, interesting discussions on the methods used and (surprising) differences between Germany and e.g. Great Britain arose.  
  • Third DATAFIED joint meeting in Hamburg
    From 23 to 24 September, the third joint meeting of the BMBF-funded DATAFIED project took place at the Helmut Schmidt University in Hamburg. The meeting was used for an intensive exchange with the partners of the other participating institutions, the Helmut Schmidt University (HSU), the Georg Eckert Institute Leibniz Institute for International Textbook Research (GEI) and the Leibniz Institute for Educational Research and Information (DIPF). In addition to the reports of the four subprojects on their current status and the interdisciplinary exchange of participants, this joint meeting was marked by the incipient field survey phase. In the course of the year, the subprojects were able to identify many relevant actors who can now be successively interviewed and researched. The coordination and the exchange of experiences in this regard are of great interest for all participants in order to be able to use synergies at an early stage or to face problems together. The discussion about the research methods used was not neglected either. Last but not least, there was an exchange between the doctoral students … Read more
  • Participation in the workshop “Exploring the Datafication, Digitalization and Automatization of Educational Governance and Practice”
    On September 6th and 7th, 2019 the DATAFIED project team participated in the workshop “Exploring the Datafication, Digitalization and Automatization of Educational Governance and Practice” of the Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg. The workshop was organized by Sigrid Hartong and Annina Förschler within the framework of the DFG project “Bildungsdatenmanagement – Neue Wissens-, Interdependenz- und Einflussstrukturen im Kontext der Digitalisierung von Educational Governance“. The agenda of both days was filled with interesting lectures of various international researchers as well as discussion and question rounds on the topic of data archiving, digitisation and automation of educational policy aspects. In addition, the workshop was divided into four sessions and thus offered a broad spectrum: International perspectives on the multiple dynamics of data infrastructures in education Discussing effects of datafication and digitalization for school management and the teaching profession Methodologies and methods of (researching) big data in education Broadening the Scope The workshop was a great opportunity to discuss current topics on an international level as well as to establish and intensify contacts. Thank you very much for the invitation! For … Read more
  • Presentation DATAFIED at ECER 2019
    From 03rd to 06th September 2019 the ECER (European Conference on Educational Research) took place again on the campus of the University of Hamburg. This year’s conference was held under the theme “Education in an Era of Risk – the Role of Educational Research for the Future” and thus offered an optimal framework for the presentation of the DATAFIED project. The DATAFIED project was represented on site by Annekatrin Bock, Vito Dabisch, Sigrid Hartong, Sieglinde Jornitz and Jasmin Troeger. At noon on Wednesday, the project was finally introduced to interested listeners in the course of a short lecture. Further information on this year’s ECER can be found at:
  • “Datafication of education” in the “ZeMKI” tent on the open campus of the University of Bremen
    On the 15th of June 2019 the Open Campus of the University of Bremen took place for the third time. In addition to the many offers of the different departments, the projects of the ifib and the Lab “Information Management and Media Technology” of the Center for Media, Information and Communication Research (ZeMKI) were presented. Prof. Dr. Juliane Jarke and Irina Zakharova spoke in the afternoon in the ZeMKI tent about the increasing datafication of education and their new project “DATAFIED: DATA For and In Education”. For one it was about the project goals: The analysis of transformation processes in the course of datafication of schools (e.g. the changing understanding of “good school” and the changing relationships and roles of different school actors). Examples which were discussed included the increasing uncertainty on the part of teachers, as a result of new data protection regulations or school rankings. Lastly, the project representatives reported on the upcoming empirical research in partner schools, the planned practical workshops and the Data Festival, which is to conclude the project in … Read more
  • Second DATAFIED joint meeting in Braunschweig
    The second joint meeting of the BMBF-funded DATAFIED project took place from 6 to 8 May in Braunschweig, in the beautiful premises of the Georg Eckert Institut (GEI). Besides GEI, three other institutes (Helmut Schmidt Universität, Institut für Informationsmanagement Bremen, Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation) are involved in the project, which then had the opportunity to talk about the upcoming fieldwork and research methods. The first day belonged entirely to the doctoral students. Together with the scientific director Annekatrin Bock, they discussed their doctoral topics as well as the relevant questions concerning the schools. On the second day of the joint meeting, the subprojects discussed their plans, progress, and open questions. In the intensive interdisciplinary exchange, different perspectives and the cross-cutting issues regarding the datafied School emerged, which will certainly contribute to synergy effects during the course of the project. The last day was dedicated to project organization topics such as the methodological coordination, research data management and the Code of Conduct. In a joint project with four participating institutes, the coordination of the joint … Read more
  • Datafied-Team visits the Bildungsforschungstagung of the BMBF
    The BMBF Education Research Conference took place in Berlin from 12th to 13th of March 2019. In two days, research results were presented and discussed covering the topic “Educational worlds of the future”. In addition to the Federal Minister of Education and Research along with numerous other researchers, the team from our DATAFIED joint project was also present and actively participated in the discussions on digitisation and the future of education. In the course of the subsequent meeting of the Meta project, the opportunity to advance networking within the project had been used. For further information, please visit the pages of the event or the empirical educational research framework programme.
  • A Logo for Datafied
    The time has come: The joint-research-project Datafied has now officially received a logo. Henceforth you can identify the project quickly and with ease by the agency of our logo. Have a look for yourself!
  • Discover Datafied from now on Twitter
    From this day forward Datafied is represented on Twitter. Alongside the latest news of the joint-research-project, you will be briefed on the newest general developments in digitisation and datafication in schools. Visit our Twitter account and join us under the Hashtag #DATAFIED
  • Kick-off meeting for DATAFIED
    From January 17th to 18th the partners of the DATAFIED project assembled for the first quarterly meeting and the official Kick-Off in Bremen. The  joint research project is to investigate the effects of progressive digitisation and the associated datafication in the german educational system. In addition to the coordination and planning of the coming months, the four subprojects were presented in detail. Just as importantly, part of the agenda was getting to know each other personally and exchanging ideas among the individual project members. The individual subprojects (SP) are dedicated to the investigation of specific sublevels of the educational system in german schools: SP1: Schulaufsicht und Schule (School authorities and school) is devoted to the interface between school authorities and the school. The intention is to identify possible changes in the relations between the organisations, in particular with concern to (external) assessments and consultations. SP2: Schulmanagement- und Schulinformationssysteme(School management and school information systems) analyses the information systems used by the school management. It is investigated how the organisation of schools changes through the use of … Read more